Although it has an acoustic modem, Origin 600 is still highly suitable for use in cabled operations. In fact, the acoustic modem provides a reassuring backup for these types of operations, making the Origin 600 a desirable choice whether your operation is cabled or not.
To use your Origin 600 ADCP in a cabled deployment, you will need to supply voltage in the range 18-48 V. This needs to be 18-48V at the ADCP itself (not just at the source) to ensure Origin 600 will draw power from this source without draining the internal battery. The supply voltage will drop further with longer cables. Although it varies, as a rule of thumb a typical power cable of length 50 m will drop 2.8 V. Therefore, the supply voltage must provide 18 V plus 2.8 V per every 50 m of cable to the ADCP. If the deployment requires acoustic communications, this will draw more power, and the source voltage should be raised accordingly.
There are several advantages to using the Origin 600 in a cabled deployment. These include the ability to:
- Strem live data at full resolution (PD0, A-gram & B-gram) in real time off the device and receive instantaneous water column insights
- Stream data directly into Origin viewer to view in real time
- Download all log files prior to recovery
- Reprogram the ADCP / reconfigure the schedule(s) while the ADCP is deployed
- Upload new Edge applications while the ADCP is deployed
- Provide battery backup – in the event of a cable failure, the ADCP will automatically switch to using its internal battery and continue collecting data
- Provide a backup for real time data