It is possible to connect acoustically with Origin both on dry land and with the ADCP in water. If you’re having trouble doing this, read on for some tips that should help you establish acoustic communication.
First steps
It’s important to determine the address of the Origin in-built acoustic modem before attempting any acoustic communications. The modem address can be found and (if necessary changed) from Origin Portal. You can also find the address when the ADCP is deployed if necessary. This can be done using an iWand or through the 6G terminal.
The desktop PC software Origin Topside provides an interface to communicate acoustically with Origin. Before attempting acoustic communications, the latest version of the Origin Topside software should be installed on the PC.
If you can’t connect to an ADCP in the water
- Topside acoustic modem
We have a number of topside transponders to suit different conditions. The first thing to check is that you’re using a compatible topside acoustic modem, for example an Origin Nano Dunker or an HPT 3000, and that this has sufficient power.
- Angle of approach
The in-built Origin 600 modem has a typical slant range of around 500 m which should be accounted for when positioning a vessel or buoy for communications with Origin. While the ADCP modem has an omnidirectional beam, its angled position on the Origin 600 endcap means there is an optimal direction in which to approach the ADCP for acoustic communications (i.e., in the direction of the modem transducer face). If you can’t connect to the ADCP, try approaching from a different direction, or getting closer to the deployed ADCP. You should also make sure that there is nothing obscuring the line of sight to the ADCP.
- Range in Origin Topside
In Origin Topside there is an entry field where you can type the approximate depth and range to the deployed ADCP. It is important to get this range as close as possible to reality, so if you can’t connect to your ADCP, try adjusting the numbers in this field. The range needs to be large enough to encompass the distance to the ADCP, but not so large that it adds gain to the topside transceiver and causes saturation. If you enter a range that is much too small, the command won’t be heard by the ADCP modem.
- Modem address
Make sure you’ve typed in the correct modem address in Origin Topside for the remote ADCP.
For more information on any of these issues and to see how to solve these issues in practice, see the FAQ section in the back of the Origin Topside manual.
If you can’t connect to the ADCP on land
There are a number of things you can check if you can’t connect to the Origin 600 ADCP on land.
- Check that the battery disconnect has been removed.
- Plug in Power over Ethernet or DC power as the battery may be depleted (you will not be able to communicate with the ADCP if the battery is flat).
- Check whether the ADCP status LED is flashing, indicating that it’s awake. LED off or flashing very slowly indicates that the device is asleep.
- Make sure you are using the correct acoustic modem address. If you aren’t sure what this is, you can check it via Origin Portal (connect to the ADCP using a cable) or by using iWand.
- Make sure the nano you’re using to communicate to the ADCP with is close to the modem – it shouldn’t be more than 0.5-1m away in air.
- Make sure the nano is at a good angle/position to the ADCP, not off to the side.
These tips should help if you’re having issues connecting to your ADCP, but if you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to help.