Our commitment to how and where we work
Sonardyne International Ltd (‘Sonardyne’) recognises that its ongoing success and future development depends on the ability to engineer and deploy world class technology which enhances the quality and safety of its customers’ operations in an environment where its employees, stakeholders and the environment are protected from harm wherever it operates, globally.
At Sonardyne, we design, manufacture, and test all our products in the UK, and install, service, and maintain them at customer premises and vessels worldwide, often in challenging conditions. This diverse range of activities involves managing an array of risks from machining parts, soldering and assembling electronics, handling heavy items, using lasers and other artificial optical radiation, to testing products at sea on our trial vessels, and working on ships and platforms in often remote locations.
Our commitment to excellence in everything we do extends to our approach to safety. As part of our mission to be a great place to work, we strive to create a safer work environment every day, everywhere we operate. We assess and mitigate all risks and we train all our people, empowering them to take ownership of their safety and that of their colleagues. We offer specialized training and support for higher-risk activities and encourage everyone to voice any safety, health, or well-being concerns.
Our dedicated and experienced HSE team oversees all safety and health-related matters, maintaining and improving our occupational health and safety management system, certified to the prestigious ISO 45001 international standard.
Good safety practices always start at the top. You can read our HSEE Policy, signed by our Managing Director, further down this page.

Sonardyne’s success in achieving this goal requires the active participation and consultation of all employees, every day. The Executive Management team will personally, actively and visibly lead in the development, communication, implementation of, and ensuring compliance to, Sonardyne’s policies, standards and procedures. As such Sonardyne is committed to:
- A culture that does not tolerate accidents and which protects the health, safety and security of its employees and those directly or indirectly affected by its activities by maintaining a safe and healthy working environment
- Implementation of world class Health, Safety, Environment and Energy (‘HSEE’) Management Systems which meet or exceed ISO 45001, ISO 50001 and ISO 14001
- Promoting responsibility and accountability for HSEE throughout Sonardyne and those working on behalf of it
- Eliminating hazards and reducing business HSEE risks
- Minimising the environmental impact through proactive measures to reduce, reuse or recycle resources and an effective commitment to pollution prevention and to minimise the company’s energy use and consumption
- Providing adequate resources to ensure the ability to implement and maintain the HSEE Management Systems including the setting and reviewing of objectives and targets.
- Measuring HSEE performance to ensure continual improvement
- Periodically reviewing the HSEE Management Systems and their effectiveness to ensure they are the most appropriate for its operations and meet all relevant legal and other requirements
- Communicating the requirements of this HSEE Policy to its employees, other interested parties and the public and making relevant associated information available
- Supporting the purchase of energy efficient products and services and design for energy performance improvement
Sonardyne is committed to promoting a socially responsible culture that both strives for excellence and guides our decisions and actions across all aspects of health, safety, environmental and energy delivery. Our aim is to be a responsible, healthy, safe and environmentally conscious business.
Graham Brown
Managing Director