Founded in
Exports to
Achieved in
carbon neutrality

- Geohazards & tsunami
- Environmental surveys
- Autonomous underwater vehicles
- Aquaculture
- Coastal science
- Sensor tracking
- Research vessels
- Uncrewed surface vehicles
- Remotely operated vehicles
Geohazards & tsunami
Over a decade of investment and development has led to our award-winning technologies to enhance your monitoring of seabed deformation caused by plate tectonic processes and other geological triggers. This same technology is at the heart of our tsunami detection system.
What our tech can do for you
• Precision – we can measure seabed movement at centimetric level
• 10 years – instruments designed for multi-year deployments up to a decade
• Remote – integration buoy and USVs for over the horizon operations
• Trusted – technology in use across the world
Environmental surveys
Track your divers, stream your ADCP data, navigate your ROV, deploy and retrieve your sensor packages. Our environmental survey toolbox is equipped with the solutions you need to get your project completed on time and on budget.
What our tech can do for you
• 10 years – long-term unattended deployment and monitoring of the seabed
• Sensors – flexible system architecture that talks to your sensors
• Release – integrated acoustic releases to speed up recovering your instruments
• USV – support your move to safer, green, cheaper survey operations
Autonomous underwater vehicles
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are becoming more useful, reliable, and capable. However, one size doesn’t fit all, so that’s why our subsea technologies have been designed to be compatible with AUVs of all sizes and capabilities, from micro to hybrid to resident.
What our tech can do for you
• 9,000 bps – fast and robust acoustic communications performance
• OEM – INS, DVLs and USBLs for any AUV or USV platform
• Swarms – surface-to-AUV and AUV-to-AUV comms supported
• 11 km – Reliably track and communicate to the deepest parts of the ocean
As demand grows for aquaculture to supply a sustainable source of food, our extensive experience in underwater industries and proven underwater technologies can assist your aquaculture projects, from operation and maintenance to ongoing environmental and integrity monitoring. This increases your operational efficiency and productivity and reduces the need for divers.
What our tech can do for you
• 10 – precisely track up to 10 ROVs, divers and underwater instruments
• Quick – portable and quick to mobilise acoustic tracking from any waterside location or vessel
• Release – integrated acoustic releases to speed up recovering your instruments
• 10 hours – operating life of Micro-Ranger 2 portable before it needs recharging
Coastal science
We can help you unlock the full value of your coastal ecosystem science by acquiring the data you need, when you need it. Our versatile technologies enable you to track divers and vehicles, locate seabed equipment, deploy landers and retrieve moorings.
What our tech can do for you
• 10 – simultaneously track up to 10 ROVs, divers, underwater targets
• Quick – portable and quick to mobilise acoustic tracking from any waterside location or vessel
• Release – integrated acoustic releases to speed up recovering your instrument
• 10 hours – operating life of Micro-Ranger 2 portable before it needs recharging
Sensor tracking
Precise underwater tracking of corers, camera platforms and geological drills is fundamental to your ocean science projects. Install our technology and not only can you track your sensor packages in any water depth, but you can also communicate with and release them.
What our tech can do for you
• 11 km – track your sensors to the deepest part of the ocean
• 0.04% – achievable slant range system accuracy
• 99 – up to 99 simultaneously tracked targets
• 9000 bps – last and robust communications performance
Research vessels
Ocean research vessels like yours around the globe rely on our marine technologies for dynamic positioning, route navigation and underwater target tracking and communication. It’s a capability which ensures every moment you’re at sea is focussed on delivering safe, efficient and sustainable science.
What our tech can do for you
• 11 km – track ROVs, AUVs, towfish to the deepest part of the ocean
• Retrofit – technology that’s suitable for both retrofit and new builds
• GNSS – carry on working even when you don’t have reliable GNSS
• 1,500 m – underwater forward looking range for uncharted waters
Uncrewed surface vehicles
USVs are the safe, green and economical way to harvest ocean data, which is why energy, defence and science users like you are increasingly moving to uncrewed operations. We can equip any of your uncrewed platforms to track, communicate and command in the underwater domain.
What our tech can do for you
• 99 – up to 99, simultaneously tracked targets below the water
• 9,000 bps – high speed comms for vehicle control and data harvesting
• Uncrewed – support real-time, over horizon operations
• 230 m – achievable bottom lock for shallow water navigation
Remotely operated vehicles
Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are becoming more useful, reliable and capable across all of your ocean science operations. However, one size doesn’t fit all so that’s why our subsea technologies have been designed to be compatible with your vehicles of all sizes and capabilities: from micro to work class.
What our tech can do for you
• 11 km – reliably track to the deepest parts of the ocean
• 230 m – bottom lock achievable with our Syrinx DVL
• Class – solutions from Micro to Work class ROVs
• 0.04% – achievable slant range system accuracy