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Alice Lee

BlueComm docks with Cellula Imotus HAUV in tank tests


Vancouver-based Cellula Robotics Ltd has successfully demonstrated the capabilities of its Imotus-1 hovering autonomous underwater vehicle (HAUV) for inspection and data acquisition missions in confined environments.

During a week of testing at a pool facility, Imotus-1 navigated using proprietary Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms to hold station, waypoint track and manoeuvre around obstacles.

An autonomous docking demonstration, sponsored by Ocean Networks Canada, included high bandwidth wireless communications between Imotus and its docking station using a pair of our BlueComm 100 optical modems. The technology is considered to be a critical risk reduction tool for future open water applications, enabling user monitoring and potential intervention in the docking process.

Scott McLean, Director of Ocean Networks Canada, said, “This was an excellent demonstration of Canadian technology that has broad applications globally for both industry and research. Demonstrating both wireless optical communications and contactless connectors for charging and high speed communications, is an essential step to creating the next generation in hybrid AUV systems.”

To see the Cellula in action with BlueComm, watch the video below: