Pinpointing Precision: Arctia chooses Sonardyne system for subsea surveys
Pinpointing Precision: Arctia chooses Sonardyne system for subsea surveys
When Finnish state-owned hydrographic services and icebreaking company Arctia need to accurately and reliably position their subsea survey equipment there is only one logical solution.
Arctia provide a wide range of services for Finland’s maritime industry including icebreaking, hydraulic engineering, planning and permit services, fairway maintenance and survey services, hydrographic services and research.
Their services all rely on precise subsea navigation and tracking, especially those using towed survey equipment. This is where Sonardyne come in, Arctia have chosen their Mini-Ranger 2 Ultra Short BaseLine (USBL) system with WSM 6+ transponders for their marine survey services.
Many of their marine surveys are conducted around offshore wind farms where teams of internationally certified hydrographic surveyors and shallow water experts provide tailor-made survey, analysing and planning solutions to meet even the most demanding of customer needs.
Mini-Ranger 2 is one of Sonardyne’s most popular USBL systems, chosen for its small size, value and dependable performance in all underwater environments. It’s the perfect choice for fitting to small survey vessels, moored barges and uncrewed vessels.
For Arctia, it is the perfect partner for towed hydrographic survey equipment such as magnetometers and sidescan sonars used as part of their survey services. With depth ratings of up to 1000 metres and able to operate in temperatures as low as -5 degrees Celsius, it’s ideal for the Baltic Sea and offers the opportunity to upgrade to other versions for depths up to 4,000 metres should Arctia and their customers operate at greater depths in future.