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Forward looking sonar

Venturing into unchartered waters? Proceed with confidence! Vigilant forward looking sonar transforms your vessel’s underwater situational awareness, alerting you to hidden threats.

Navigating the unknown

Key benefits:

  • Real-time 3D terrain mapping of seabed and water column
  • Extended detection range up to 1.5 km with a 120-degree field of view
  • Automated collision hazard warnings
  • Compatibility with autonomous vessel systems
  • Depth mapping capabilities to 100 metres
  • Two operational modes: 3D mode and Sonar mode

Engineered for versatility, Vigilant offers unrivalled underwater situational awareness with a cutting-edge long-range detection system. This compact, powerful system provides unprecedented underwater detection and mapping capabilities for energy, defence, scientific, and autonomous marine operations. Designed by Wavefront Systems and commercialised by Sonardyne, Vigilant forward-looking sonar revolutionises maritime navigation and safety across multiple sectors. Its compact 31 cm-wide design weighing just 14 kg allows for easy installation on vessels ranging from exploration cruises and private yachts to naval ships and research vessels. The system can be seamlessly retrofitted to existing vessels or integrated into new builds.

How it works

The system consists of a sophisticated sonar projector and receiver array mounted at the vessel’s bow, complemented by advanced bridge software. Its proprietary Altitude Confidence Filter (ACF) generates precise, colour-coded depth imagery, enabling crews to navigate challenging environments with confidence.

Seaborne collision avoidance is also a vital consideration for autonomous ships and an ever-increasing number of unmanned surface and underwater vessels in the offshore energy, ocean science and naval market sectors. Vigilant can be integrated into these autonomous platforms to provide essential information to autopilots and command and control systems, to aid safe navigation and manoeuvres around hazardous obstacles.

Vigilant has two principal operating modes, 3D mode and Sonar mode. 3D mode produces stunning 3D bathymetry and colour coded depth imagery using our proprietary Altitude Confidence Filter (ACF), out to 600 m and down to 100 m. Sonar mode processes the intensity of the acoustic data to extract long-range positional data out to 1.5 km and over a 120 degree field of view. In this mode, the sonar returns are used to generate alerts to the operator (or a third-party system) to the presence of a navigationally relevant obstacle.

For naval and security applications, Vigilant can be combined with Sentinel intruder detection systems, providing comprehensive underwater threat protection. Whether exploring secluded bays, navigating busy shipping lanes, or venturing into polar regions, Vigilant delivers unparalleled maritime intelligence and safety.

Comprehensive engineering support is available to ensure seamless installation and commissioning, making Vigilant your essential tool for modern marine operations.

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The industry standard for seismic surveys

Positioning rope connected seismic nodes or ocean bottom cables accurately and efficiently is often accomplished in challenging underwater environments. Our shallow and deep water positioning systems are scalable for small or large surveys and have an impressive global track record of use in the offshore seismic industry.

Designed to work in any depth

From less than 1 m in the transition and surf zones to 3000 m for ultra-deep-water seismic applications.

Our shallow and deep rated acoustic positioning systems improve the speed, accuracy and efficiency of positioning seabed marine seismic nodes and cables, enabling the positioning of thousands of transponders in parallel with deployment and shooting operations.

The system uses a network of low cost, rugged transponders that can withstand fast deployment through mechanical ‘squirters’ to provide users with an efficient method of collecting the positions of thousands of seabed nodes in real-time.

A typical system comprises of acoustic positioning transponders attached to the seismic node or cable and a vessel or USV based acoustic range only or full USBL transceiver interfaced to a PC running our HydroPos seismic positioning control software application. Third party software applications that incorporate an acoustic control module can also be used with the system.

Once the nodes are deployed on the seabed, the system precisely measures the acoustic range (distance) or 3D position (USBL) from a surface transceiver on the pinging vessel to each transponder to enable its exact position to be established. The range and USBL positioning processes are more accurate than traditional first break techniques, 1-2 m absolute, and can either be conducted during node or cable deployment operations or later whilst shooting.


Shallow water (range only or full USBL)

Uses HF band vessel or USV-mounted TZT or HPT2000 USBL system with Transition Zone Transponders and LRTs attached to seismic nodes or ocean bottom cable receivers. Offers ranging precision of better than 50 mm in up to 500 m water depth.


Deep water (range only or full USBL)

Uses MF band vessel or USV-mounted TZT or HPT 5000 USBL system with SST 6 and RT6-1000 transponders. Offers ranging precision of better than 15 mm in up to 3,000 m water depth.


OEM integration

Get all the benefits of of our deep water system but with an OEM version of our SST 6 integrated in to your seismic node.

At a glance

  • Enables you to position thousands of nodes or cabled seismic receivers in real-time
  • Operational in 1 to 3,000 m of water
  • Uses low cost acoustic transponders and acoustic releases
  • Scalable for both small and large surveys
  • Scalable for both small and large surveys


The transponders developed for the system are small and lightweight and are proven to withstand the demanding and varied operational environment of surveys.

Standard features of the popular Type 7815 TZ Transponder include a depth rating of 500 metres, a unique acoustic ‘address’ enabling thousands of units to be laid in a single deployment and battery voltage monitoring to allow users to better plan their maintenance schedules. TZ Transponders operate in the HF band.

The LRT is a release transponder option for this system. It incorporates an acoustic release mechanism and is typically used at rope or cable ends to aid recovery of seabed seismic equipment after shooting is complete.

SST 6 incorporates our Wideband 2 digital acoustic signal processing architecture ensures robust positioning performance with high levels of ranging precision. It can be provided in 1,000m and 3,000m depth rated housings and is fitted with a handy Near Field Communications (NFC) link as standard for programming and battery status checking.

RT 6-1000 is a release transponder option for this system. It incorporates an acoustic release mechanism and is typically used at rope or cable ends to aid recovery of seabed seismic equipment after shooting is complete.

Both SST 6 and RT 6-1000 are MF band transponders, compatible with our family of Ranger USBL acoustic positioning systems.


Two surface transceiver options are available for this system. TZ Transceiver (TZT) is small and lightweight making it perfect for use vessels-of-opportunity and uncrewed surface vessels which are increasingly being used in support of offshore seismic operations. It can operate in the HF or MF frequency band.

TZT is able to interrogate and calculate acoustic ranges to nine TZ Transponders or 95 SST 6 transponders at a time.

HPT 2000 (HF) and HPT 5000 (MF) are USBL transceivers configured to measure range and bearing to TZ Transponders and SST 6 transponders respectively. They are particularly well suited to high elevation tracking scenarios and offers true simultaneous tracking of multiple transponders providing superior position update rates.

Our team is here to advise you which configuration of transponders and transceivers your offshore seismic positioning system should be configured with to meet to operational requirements.


• Incorporates almost three decades of operational and client feedback
• Supports new generation (6G) and legacy hardware transponders inventories – thousands in service globally
• Suitable for small survey vessel or USV operations; safer, greener, lower cost
• Works with all major seismic software platforms
• Optional asset tracking with transponder RFID technology


• Operate in <1 m to 500 m water depth • Operates in with Sonardyne HF (35-55 kHz) or MF (19-34 kHz) bands • Up to 18 month battery life for TZ/OBC transponders • Position 3,600 transponders in real time • Range-range or range-bearing (USBL) operating configurations available

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Your ocean data delivered cost-effectively, safely, cleanly, responsibly

Our service delivers your ocean data when you want where you want using an uncrewed surface vessel (USV) – a safe, clean and low-cost alternative to using personnel and vessels. Working directly with the world’s leading manufacturers of USVs, we’re able to offer you a complete end-to-end data harvesting service, one where we take care of vehicle selection, logistics, offshore operations and secure data delivery to where it’s needed, when it’s needed.


If you already own or operate a USV, we can enable it for seafloor sensor data harvesting, support you every step of the way, and train your team.

Wideband 2 – delivering your data

Mission requirements vary significantly but regularly involve wirelessly recovering stored data, confirming the position of Sonardyne-compatible sensors on the seafloor and downloading new mission parameters.

This requirement is met with our high telemetry rate seabed-to-surface communications capability – Wideband 2. Using Wideband 2, large volumes of data can be reliably recovered in a short amount of time, minimising the time a USV has to loiter. If required, harvested data can be immediately QC’d by engineers onshore before the USV is released to transit to its next data retrieval location. A high-speed downlink allows for new logging regimes to be adopted, eliminating the need to first recover the sensors.

Custom integration and support

We’re able to engineer bespoke USV payloads and sensor gondolas, integrating navigation, communication, sonar, Doppler and tracking systems as required. We’re also experts in vehicle power management and can create custom interface protocols to suit your mission needs. Sea trials, which can be conducted a location of your choosing or at our own facility in Plymouth, help reduce risk and refine procedures ahead of live operations.

Your data, together with a detailed operational report, is securely delivered post-mission. Multi-season, multi-year assignments can all be accommodated. Our service is flexible and entirely built around your needs.

At a glance

  • Your ocean data delivered cost-effectively, safely, cleanly, responsibly
  • A complete service; planning, equipment, mobilisation, execution, QC, delivery
  • Low-risk, field-proven technology for any unmanned platform
  • Experienced personnel to support your unmanned mission
  • Remote data verification during live data harvesting operations



Using a USV for data collection minimises risk to personnel, reducing costs and emissions – all key objectives for delivering sustainable projects in the oil and gas and renewables.


Contracting a Sonardyne-enabled USV to recover ocean data means your science no longer has to wait for precious research vessel time. We can gather and deliver your data whenever you need it.

Full service

• End-to-end data harvesting service bespoke to your needs
• You get to focus on the data, not the complex logistics to acquire it
• We select, configure and oversee the most appropriate USV for the mission
• Our highly technology and applications expert run your mission every step of the way

Payload examples

• Mini and Standard Ranger 2 for target tracking and comms
• Vigilant forward look sonar for obstacle avoidance
• SPRINT-Nav for GNSS denied environment
• Syrinx DVL for shallow water navigation
• Modem 6 for robust two-way communications

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Navigate further, profile deeper

Welcome to the future of your underwater navigation and profiling with Syrinx DVL. A dynamic solution combining a high-performance Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) with an integrated Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), designed to elevate your underwater operations.

Engineered for AUVs, ROVs, and vessels, Syrinx is your reliable companion in the depths. Whether you’re looking for a standalone DVL, an ADCP, or a fully integrated navigation system, Syrinx delivers it all in one powerful package.

Designed and manufactured entirely in the UK, Syrinx is a class leading DVL for surface and subsea vehicles, available in two frequencies: 600 kHz or 400 kHz for higher altitude tracking up to 230 m. Syrinx variants combine high resolution and high altitude tracking, in single, easy to install navigation instruments. Its adaptive bottom lock technology provides consistency and reliability over challenging and changing topography, working at an altitude higher than 85% of the world’s subsea infrastructure. This reduces the amount of time a vehicle must dive on free inertial.

If your mission requires water profiling, Syrinx’s highly capable ADCP mode enables both navigation and profiling without the need for separate instrument, saving you cost and payload.

When tightly integrated with Sonardyne’s SPRINT INS, unmatched DVL-aided navigation can be achieved. This allows for enhanced performance through optimisation of beam-level data passed between Syrinx and SPRINT to aid velocity prediction and outlier rejection, with positioning able to continue even if one or two DVL beams are unavailable. For the ultimate integration Syrinx and SPRINT are also available as a single combined unit with integral pressure sensor. SPRINT-Nav is one of the smallest inertial DVL instruments available on the market suitable for almost any ROV and survey task.

Why Syrinx?

  • Unmatched Versatility: Use Syrinx as a DVL, ADCP, or both simultaneously. You decide how to harness its power.
  • Deep-Water Performance: Maintain solid bottom lock up to 230 m, with 4,000 m depth rating as standard.
  • Adaptive Technology: Our smart bottom lock ensures reliable navigation across varied seabed types.
  • Dual-Frequency Options: Choose between 400 kHz for extended range or 600 kHz for high resolution.
  • Seamless Integration: Syrinx works harmoniously with our SPRINT INS for unparalleled navigation accuracy.
  • Efficiency: Combine navigation and water profiling in one instrument, saving you space and resources.
  • Reliability: Individually replaceable transducers to minimise downtime.
  • Adaptability: Available in 4,000 m, 6,000 m and OEM versions to suit your specific needs.
  • User-Friendly: Web-based System Manager for easy configuration and control.
  • Compatibility: Fits existing mounting arrangements and supports various data formats for smooth integration.

Dive deep, control smart

Syrinx runs an embedded system manager using a web browser, eliminating the need to install dedicated PC software. This allows configuration and testing of Syrinx prior to deployment, control during subsea operations and visualisation of the navigation data.

The hardware and vehicle interfacing are easy to install, set up and use. It’s compatible with DVL/ADCP mounting arrangements from other vendors so you shouldn’t need to modify your subsea vehicles to upgrade to Syrinx. PD0, PD3, PD4, PD6, PD13 telegrams are supported for integration to third party navigation systems.

A 4,000 m rated titanium housing is supplied as standard to meet the requirements of work-class ROVs. 6,000 m and OEM (no housing) versions are also available.

Syrinx’s transducers have been designed, built and tested in-house to provide maximum performance, and can be individually replaced, reducing ownership costs and repair time. The entire array is water blocked meaning that should damage occur to the transducer array, the unit’s electronics are isolated from water ingress.

Echo Observer for Syrinx (EOS)

EOS is a software application for Syrinx and SPRINT-Nav systems which allows ADCP data to be viewed, quality controlled, logged and then exported. This standalone application is compatible with Windows 7 or 10 and requires only modest processing resources.

EOS provides an intuitive interface to Syrinx, allowing the device to be configured over Serial port or Ethernet with a quick setup procedure for ADCP measurements. You can immediately view the profile data and make any necessary adjustments before committing to a long-term deployment.

Once initial data inspection has been completed, EOS provides the link to the onward data processing chain: Industry-standard PD0 data can be exported as comma-separated variable (CSV) files, ideal for importing into Excel or Matlab for analysis and post-processing. The exported PD0 data can be tailored to match your analysis needs, such as specific portions of the water column, or a favoured frame of reference.

Specific sections of the PD0 data can be omitted in CSV export if they are not relevant to your analysis, reducing file size and therefore processing time. Echo Observer for Syrinx is included with the ADCP functionality upgrade for both Syrinx and SPRINT-Nav.

Experience the Syrinx DVL advantage

Whether you’re navigating an AUV through complex underwater terrain or precisely positioning an ROV for critical operations, Syrinx provides the accuracy and reliability you need. Our adaptive technology keeps you on track over challenging topography, reducing reliance on inertial navigation.

Ready to transform your underwater operations? Let’s collaborate to integrate Syrinx into your systems and unlock new possibilities in subsea exploration and work. Connect with our team today!


• 0.4 /230 m min/max altitude
• 0.4–120 m ADCP profile range
• >10 m/s velocity range (DVL)
• 0.01cm/s velocity resolution (DVL)
• Up to ±8.4 m/s ±0.4% of measured value (ADCP along-beam)


• Titanium housing as standard; OEM option
• Replaceable transducers; water block array
• Onboard web UI for setup and configuration.
• Dedicated software for ADCP features
• Max 204 mm x 225 mm, 8.2 kg weight in water (6,000 m version)


• Warranty: 1 year return to Sonardyne service centre
• ITAR Controlled: No
• UK Export Licence: Not required
• What’s in the box: Syrinx DVL/ADCP and QuickStart guide, EOS software (optional)


• 400 or 600 kHz frequency
• 4-beam array @ 30 degree angles
• Up to 25 kHz DVL ping rate
• Up to 4 Hz ADCP ping rate (optional mode)


Feature 8275-4531/6531 600 kHz 8275-4561 400 kHz
Operating Frequency 600 kHz 400 kHz
Bottom Velocity – Single Ping Precision (Standard Deviation @ 1 m/s) ±0.22 cm/s ±0.28 cm/s
Long Term Accuracy ±0.12% ±0.1 cm/s ±0.22% ±0.1 cm/s
Minimum/Maximum Altitude 0.4/175 m 0.4/230 m
Velocity Range >10 m/s >10 m/s
Velocity Resolution 0.01 cm/s 0.01 cm/s
Data Output Rate 25 Hz maximum 25 Hz maximum
Water Reference Velocity Accuracy ±0.2% ±0.1 cm/s ±0.2% ±0.1 cm/s
Layer Size Selectable Selectable
Minimum/Maximum Range 0.4/80 m 0.4/120 m
ADCP Profiling Range 0.4–80 m 0.4–120 m
Velocity Range & RMS (Along Beam) Up to ±5.6 m/s ±0.4% of measured value Up to ±8.4 m/s ±0.4% of measured value
Maximum Number of Cells 255 255
Maximum Ping Rate – ADCP 4 Hz 4 Hz
Maximum Ping Rate – DVL + ADCP 2.5 Hz 2.5 Hz
Beam Width ±1.0° ±1.3°
Beam Angle 30° 30°
Transmit Source Level (dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) 217 dB (maximum) 217 dB (maximum)
Sensors Temperature -5 to 40°C -5 to 40°C
Pitch/Roll (Optional) ±0.5° ±0.5°
Pressure (Optional) ±0.1% full scale ±0.1% full scale
Configuration (Array) 4-beam array @ 30° beam angles 4-beam array @ 30° beam angles
Communication and Logging Communications Dual RS232, multi-port Ethernet (TCP & UDP) Dual RS232, multi-port Ethernet (TCP & UDP)
Trigger Inputs 3–12 V rising or falling edge configurable 3–12 V rising or falling edge configurable
Internal Logging 32 GB internal memory 32 GB internal memory
Output Telegrams Sonardyne proprietary, PD0, PD3, PD4, PD6, PD13, SDDBT
Simultaneous telegram output
Sonardyne proprietary, PD0, PD3, PD4, PD6, PD13, SDDBT
Simultaneous telegram output
Voltage (dc Input) 24 V (±10%) 24 V (±10%)
Average Power (Typical) 10 W nominal 10 W nominal
Depth Rating 4,000 or 6,000 m array 4,000 or 6,000 m array
Operating Temperature -5 to 55°C -5 to 55°C
Storage Temperature -20 to 55°C -20 to 55°C
Mechanical Construction Titanium Titanium
Connector Type Subconn Subconn
Dimensions (Height x Diameter) 4000 m 189 x 225 mm 189 x 225 mm
6000 m 204 x 225 mm n/a
Weight in Air/Water 4000 m 12.0/9.1 kg 11.3/8.5 kg
6000 m 14.4/10.9 kg n/a

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Small but mighty

Tight on space but need reliable surface and subsea navigation? SPRINT-Nav Mini is the world’s smallest hybrid acoustic-inertial navigation technology. Your all-in-one vessel and marine robotics navigation instrument with performance beyond its size. It replaces the need for separate AHRS, DVL, INS and depth sensors.

SPRINT-Nav Mini fuses AHRS, DVL, INS and depth data into a single, lightweight instrument, giving you fast, precise and robust navigation, guidance and control information. There’s less cabling and fewer connectors to keep check of too. Not only is it simpler to mobilise, it’s also cheaper than the four sensors it replaces.

Mini in size, big in performance

Small but mighty

Measuring just 213 mm in height (only fractionally taller than some competing DVL-only instruments), 148 mm in diameter and weighing in at approximately 3.6 kg in air for the 300 m rated unit – or 7.1 kg for the 4,000 m depth version – for something so small, SPRINT-Nav Mini packs a big punch for all your underwater ocean robot applications.

It’s powered by the same hybrid acoustic-inertial navigation algorithm you’ll find inside our established SPRINT-Nav family. This combines the strengths of all its sensors to provide robust, precise and accurate outputs. It continues to work even in challenging environments providing a continuous stream of positions, orientation, velocities, depth and altitude at up to 200 updates per second.

Ready to go

Your SPRINT-Nav Mini arrives pre-calibrated, meaning there is no need to manoeuvre your vehicle every time the unit is mobilised. SPRINT-Nav Mini does the thinking for you, all in a single plug-and-play unit. Turn it on, give it a latitude, and away you go.

Despite its extremely small size, it’s still a true north seeking gyrocompass which won’t drift over time unlike MEMS-based systems. The output can be fed directly to your own (or a third party) user interface or vehicle control software. The simple web user interface makes setup and configuration painless. It could not be any simpler.

Need to harvest data from coastal waters or around offshore structures? Not a problem! Low power and small, SPRINT-Nav Mini is ideal for installing on all size ROVs or USVs undertaking data harvesting missions, even in GNSS-denied environments.

Conducting marine research on a restricted budget? Let us help… Because it’s lower cost than the four separate sensors it replaces, SPRINT-Nav Mini is the budget-friendly solution for your research platforms where funds need to stretch as far as possible.

Available in two depth ratings, 300 m and 4,000 m. A side-connector option is also available, depth rated for 300 m and only 183 mm high, making it ideal for tight spaces on small platforms.

SPRINT-Nav Mini at a glance


  • 213 mm tall by 148 mm in diameter; the industry’s smallest all-in-one hybrid acoustic-inertial subsea navigator
  • Hybrid DVL-INS synergies dramatically improve both robustness and performance compared with standalone instruments.
  • Fly higher – 500 kHz DVL maintains bottom lock at up to 200 m altitude
  • Replaces four separate instruments; AHRS, DVL, INS and pressure sensor – saving you cost, cabling and payload
  • Easy to integrate, simple to operate, web UI for configuration


• What’s in the box: SPRINT-Nav Mini, mounting plate, test lead and cable tail
• Warranty: 1 year return to Sonardyne service centre
• ITAR Controlled: No
• UK Export License: TBC


• 300 m and 4,000 m depth rated options
• Provides 0.05% error for distance travelled
• Heading accuracy 0.5° secant latitude (0.1° Navigator variant)
• 0.02° Pitch/Roll accuracy
• 0.3/200 m min/max altitude
• 0.01% FS depth
• Up to 200 Hz output rate
• Better than 0.4 cm/s velocity precision (<2 m/s at 50 m altitude)


• Ideally suited for subsea vehicle guidance, control and navigation
• Size, weight and power optimised; perfect for all size vehicles
• Powered by our class-leading SPRINT hybrid navigation engine
• Cheaper than the four separate sensors it replaces
• Gyrocompass simplicity with hybrid acoustic-inertial navigation performance


• 213 x 148 mm, 3.6 kg weight in air (300 m version), 7.1 kg (4000 m version)
• Acetal Copolymer (300 m) or Titanium (4000 m) housing construction
• Mounting plate, choice of top or bottom mounting location
• 14 pin and 7 pin Size A CRE connectors. Custom connectors on request
• Side-connector option
• User friendly web UI makes it easy to integrate and simple to operate


Performance SPRINT-Nav Mini
DVL Aided Typical Survey 0.05%
Distance from origin 0.30%
Altitude Min/Max 0.3/200 m
USBL & DVL Aided Precision Improvement Up to 5x better
Heading (Secant Latitude) with GNSS or USBL, and DVL 0.10°
Heading (Secant Latitude) with GNSS or USBL or DVL 0.15°
Roll and Pitch 0.02°
Angular Rate Range ±450°/s
Velocity Precision (<2 m/s at 50 m Altitude) <0.4 cm/s
Depth accuracy 0.01% FS
ADCP Profiling range 0.4–100 m
Velocity Range & RMS (along beam) Up to ±6.7 m/s ±0.4% of measured value
Maximum number of Cells 255
Max Ping rate 1 Hz
Power Requirements 24 V dc, 10 W nominal
Data Storage 32 GB internal memory
Serial Ports/Protocol 3x RS232
Interfaces Ethernet, UDP/TCP, WebUI, 2x trigger inputs (1PPS/DVL trigger), NTP, ZDA + 1PPS out
Mechanical Construction 300 m POM-C
4,000 m Titanium
Dimensions (Diameter x Height) Standard – 300 m 148 x 213 mm
standard – 4,000 m 148 x 213 mm
Side connector – 300 m 148 x 187 mm (174 x 187 including connector)
Weight Air/Water 300 m 3.6/0.7 kg
4,000 m 7.1/4.2 kg
Depth Rating 300/4,000 m
Operating Temperature -5 to 50°C
Storage Temperature -25 to 55°C
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Compact. Accurate. Ready to go.

All the navigation, speed, direction and motion data you need in one compact unit. SPRINT-Nav is perfect for your autonomous subsea or surface vehicle navigation operations. From deepwater ROVs to shallow water USVs, SPRINT-Nav ensures ultimate accuracy. It’s even pre-calibrated, so you can start working right away.

Find out what's possible

SPRINT-Nav is a compact, all-in-one navigation tool for underwater and surface vehicles, integrating SPRINT INS, Syrinx DVL, and a high-accuracy pressure sensor. Available in four performance levels (300, 500, 700, and X) and two depth ratings (4,000 m and 6,000 m), it offers two DVL frequencies: 600 kHz and a high-altitude 400 kHz option.

Its Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), featuring Honeywell ring laser gyros and accelerometers, works closely with the Syrinx DVL and a high-performance pressure sensor. This integration ensures unparalleled accuracy and reliability.

SPRINT-Nav saves time, costs, and payload space while offering unmatched performance and reliability for a wide range of subsea and surface vehicle applications.

Select the performance level right for your operation

  • 300: Supports dual ROV and survey use, standalone ROV guidance and mid-water station keeping with vendor independent USBL aiding.
  • 500/700: For more demanding applications, such as dynamic mobile mapping, this high-performing, survey-grade subsea INS is integrated with Sonardyne acoustics to provide you with the extra data functionality you need.
  • X: Offers you exceptional navigational accuracy (<0.01% of total distance travelled) and ultimate suitability for long-endurance missions with XLUUVs, AUVs and USVs, making them viable alternatives to large, crewed vessels. The top-tier model for your specialised energy, defence and science operations.

Learn more about SPRINT-Nav

Echo Observer for Syrinx (EOS)

EOS is the software application for viewing, quality controlling, logging and exporting ADCP data from your SPRINT-Nav system. Compatible with Windows 7 or 10, it provides an intuitive interface to configure and monitor ADCP measurements and export data for analysis. EOS enables you to:

  • Quickly set up and view profile data
  • Export PD0 data as CSV files for further analysis
  • Tailor exported data to match specific analysis needs

Why choose SPRINT-Nav?

SPRINT-Nav is the ultimate navigation solution for your autonomous subsea or surface vehicle operations. Calibration-free and packed with cutting-edge sensors, SPRINT-Nav combines INS, DVL, AHRS, and depth data into one compact unit. Available in 400 kHz and 600 kHz DVL options, as well as four performance levels, SPRINT-Nav ensures ultimate accuracy from deep water ROVs to shallow water USVs. Its detachable pressure sensor module allows for easy calibration and repair, while power-pass-through reduces cabling complexity. With dual algorithm capability for both ROV piloting and survey operations, SPRINT-Nav is the all-in-one navigation system you need to maximize productivity.

Built for

• Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)
• Extra-Large Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles (XLUUVs)
• Uncrewed Surface Vehicles (USVs)
• Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)
• SEAL Delivery Vehicles (SDVs)


• 240 x 395 mm, 13.1 kg weight in water or 240 x 405 mm, 17.2 kg
• Titanium housing construction
• Provides concurrent AHRS and INS capability for dual use
• Onboard data storage and battery backup
• Individually water blocked and replaceable DVL transducers
• In field remote performance upgrades: Yes


• Heading accuracy 0.04° (secant latitude)
• 0.01° Pitch/Roll accuracy
• 0.02% Typical survey accuracy
• Station keeping <1m over 24 hours • Provides bottom lock up to 230 m


• Warranty: 1 year return to Sonardyne service centre
• ITAR Controlled: No
• UK Export License: Yes
• What’s in the box: SPRINT-Nav, mounting plate, Fusion 2 software, test lead and cable tail


Performance SPRINT-Nav 300 SPRINT-Nav 500 SPRINT-Nav 700 SPRINT-Nav X
DVL aided Typical survey 0.04% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01%
Distance from origin 0.12% 0.07% 0.05% Get in touch
High Altitude option (HA) 0.12% 0.08% 0.06% Get in touch
Unaided 1.2 m in 60 s 0.8 m in 60 s 0.5 m in 60 s Get in touch
Altitude min/max Standard 0.4/175 m 0.4/175 m 0.4/175 m 0.4/175 m
High Altitude option (HA) 0.4/230 m 0.4/230 m 0.4/230 m 0.4/230 m
USBL and DVL aided Precision improvement Up to 7x better Up to 10x better Up to 13x better Up to 13x better
Station keeping <1 m over 24 hours <1 m over 24 hours <1 m over 24 hours <1 m over 24 hours
LBL/DVL aided 3 cm confined area, 20 cm wide area (dynamic) 3 cm confined area, 20 cm wide area (dynamic) 3 cm confined area, 20 cm wide area (dynamic) 3 cm confined area, 20 cm wide area (dynamic)
INS/AHRS heading (Secant latitude) INS 0.05º 0.04º 0.02º 0.01°
AHRS 0.20º 0.10º 0.08º 0.08°
AHRS/INS roll and pitch 0.01º 0.01º 0.01º 0.01º
Pressure sensor 0.01% FS removable module 0.01% FS removable module 0.01% FS removable module 0.01% FS removable module
ADCP Profiling range
– 600 kHz
0.4–80 m 0.4–80 m 0.4–80 m 0.4–80 m
Profiling range
– 400 kHz
0.4–120 m 0.4–120 m 0.4–120 m 0.4–120 m
Vel. Range & RMS (Along Beam)
– 600 kHz
Up to ±5.6 m/s ±0.4% of measured value Up to ±5.6 m/s ±0.4% of measured value Up to ±5.6 m/s ±0.4% of measured value Up to ±5.6 m/s ±0.4% of measured value
Vel. range & RMS (along beam)
– 400 kHz
Up to ±8.4 m/s ±0.4% of measured value Up to ±8.4 m/s ±0.4% of measured value Up to ±8.4 m/s ±0.4% of measured value Up to ±8.4 m/s ±0.4% of measured value
Maximum number of cells 255 255 255 255
Maximum ping rate 4 Hz (ADCP) or 2.5 Hz (DVL+ADCP) 4 Hz (ADCP) or 2.5 Hz (DVL+ADCP) 4 Hz (ADCP) or 2.5 Hz (DVL+ADCP) 4 Hz (ADCP) or 2.5 Hz (DVL+ADCP)
Power requirements DVL off 20–50 V dc, 15 W nominal
(35 W maximum)
20–50 V dc, 15 W nominal
(35 W maximum)
20–50 V dc, 15 W nominal
(35 W maximum)
20–50 V dc, 15 W nominal
(35 W maximum)
DVL on and battery fully charged 20–50 V dc, 25 W nominal
(35 W maximum)
20–50 V dc, 25 W nominal
(35 W maximum)
20–50 V dc, 25 W nominal
(35 W maximum)
20–50 V dc, 25 W nominal
(35 W maximum)
Internal battery backup Li-ion/5 minutes Li-ion/5 minutes Li-ion/5 minutes Li-ion/5 minutes
Data storage 8 GB internal memory 8 GB internal memory 8 GB internal memory 8 GB internal memory
Serial ports/protocol 4x RS232 or RS485 4x RS232 or RS485 4x RS232 or RS485 4x RS232 or RS485
Other ports Ethernet, 4x Triggers Ethernet, 4x Triggers Ethernet, 4x Triggers Ethernet, 4x Triggers
Mechanical construction Titanium Titanium Titanium Titanium
Dimensions (diameter x height)
(incl. connectors and mounting ring)
4,000 m 240 x
395 mm
240 x
395 mm
240 x
395 mm
240 x
395 mm
6,000 m 240 x
405 mm
240 x
405 mm
240 x
405 mm
240 x
405 mm
Weight air/water 4,000 m 23.9/13.1 kg 23.9/13.1 kg 23.9/13.1 kg 23.9/13.1 kg
6,000 m 28.1/17.2 kg 28.1/17.2 kg 28.1/17.2 kg 28.1/17.2 kg
Depth rating 4,000/
6,000 m
6,000 m
6,000 m
6,000 m
Operating temperature -5 to 50°C -5 to 50°C -5 to 50°C -5 to 50°C
Storage temperature -25 to 55°C -25 to 55°C -25 to 55°C -25 to 55°C


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When you need to transfer large amounts of subsea data over short distances – you need BlueComm 200

Transform your underwater operations with BlueComm 200, our pioneering wireless optical communication system. You’ll experience game-changing data transfer speeds enabling true wireless subsea operations, with rates up to 10 Mbps at distances reaching 150 m – even in bright conditions.

Innovation at work

We’ve engineered BlueComm 200 to push the boundaries of your underwater communication. Using advanced LED technology and sensitive photomultiplier tubes, you’ll achieve communication ranges up to 150 m. Its design houses the emitter separately from the receiver, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

Fast and flexible – key features to power your mission


  • Lightning-fast data transfer: 2.5 to 10 Mbps at ranges up to 150 m
  • Optimal performance: Perfect for moderate to low turbidity dark water (>200 m depth or at night)
  • Flexible deployment: Connect with your AUV, ROV, USV or surface dunker system
  • Deep-rated capability: Ready for operations up to 4,000 m
  • Speed of light technology: Experience unprecedented data transmission rates

Perfect for your platform

Perfect for your:

  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
  • Extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicles (XLUUV)
  • Uncrewed Surface Vehicles
  • Remotely Operated Vehicles
  • Tracking and communications systems


Choose your perfect match:

BlueComm 200

When you need maximum range and performance in dark water conditions, our visible light system delivers up to 150 m range – ideal for video transfer and direct vehicle control. You’ll transfer data up to 10,000 times faster than acoustic systems, although ambient light may affect operating range.

BlueComm 200 UV

Working with lights on? Our UV variant maintains reliable communication even with artificial lighting present. Operating at ranges up to 75 metres, it’s your go-to solution for ROV and AUV applications requiring illumination, such as video recording missions.

Both systems offer incredible energy efficiency – transfer more than nine gigabytes of data using just one Lithium D cell battery.

Specifications table

Feature Type 8361 BlueComm 200 UV
Depth rating Up to 4,000 m operation
Data rate 2.5–10 Mbps
Optical communication range Up to 75 m
Mechanical construction Anodized aluminium or titanium
Supply voltage 24–36 V dc
Communications interface 10/100 Base-T Ethernet (static IP address)
Command interface Graphical user interface or Ethernet UDP command set
Receiver unit
Receive wavelength UV (band pass filter blocking visible light)
Receive angle 180° (omni-directional)
Receiver weight in air/water 7.3/3.1 kg
Power consumption 10 W
Emitter unit
Optical transmit power 6 W (radiated light)
Optical wavelength options 450 nm (royal blue), 400–800 nm (white)
Emitter beam shape 180° (omni-directional)
Emitter weight in air/water 3.6/2.6 kg
power consumption 30 W (bandwidth allocation dependant)
Environmental and dimensions
Operating temperature range -5 to 40°C
Storage temperature -20 to 55°C
Dimensions (length x diameter) Receiver 384 x 136 mm
Emitter 199 x 136 mm


Manuals and quick start guides


• 450 nm (royal blue), 405 nm (UV) optical wavelength
• 180° (omni-directional) beam pattern
• 10 W / 15 W receiver / transmitter optical transmit power


• Titanium and glass construction
• Subconn connectors
• 5.7 kg weight in water, emitter and receiver


• 2.5 – 10 Mbps data rate
• 4000 m depth rating
• Up to 150m optical communication range


What’s in the box?
• Manual, 2 test cables and 2 sets of one emitter and receiver
• Warranty: 1 year return to Sonardyne service centre
• ITAR Controlled: No
• UK Export Licence: Not required

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Saves you time. Saves you weight. Saves you payload.

The SPRINT-Nav family is the only all-in-one, subsea navigation solution you’ll ever need for your marine robotic and autonomous vehicle operations. With over a decade’s experience of aiding your missions, SPRINT-Nav delivers class-leading underwater navigational performance. Its accuracy is unparalleled and can be as little as 0.01% variance of its path on a typical survey (depending on the model).

SPRINT-Nav combines our SPRINT inertial sensor, Syrinx DVL and high accuracy intelligent pressure sensor in a single, compact housing, replacing the need for a separate DVL, pressure sensor and INS/AHRS. We call this hybrid navigation.

Navigate your marine environment with the confidence only SPRINT-Nav can provide.

Pinpoint location precision. Enhance your operations by adding valuable location detail enabling you to identify exactly where your data is drawn from or to pinpoint the location of assets, obstacles and pipelines.

Guide, control and navigate your USVs, ROVs and AUVs faster, safely and more efficiently with SPRINT-Nav. Operate your vehicles and vessels with the confidence of knowing exactly where they are and what they’re doing.

No calibration needed. Straight out of the box SPRINT-Nav is ready to go, saving you precious time on your operations.

Reduced in size – but not in performance, SPRINT-Nav Mini is the industry’s smallest all-in-one hybrid acoustic-inertial subsea navigator. It provides the perfect instrument for you to control your smaller inspection class ROVs and small to medium sized USVs.

Navigating – to hold station, SPRINT-Nav DP provides a reliable dynamic positioning reference in shallow water for your surface vessel to remain in one place without the need for a GNSS signal.

Engineered for all autonomous vehicles no matter what size or purpose, there is a SPRINT-Nav for your operations.

Why should you invest?

By choosing SPRINT-Nav you are choosing an all-in-one acoustic-inertial navigation sensor, replacing the need for a separate DVL, pressure sensor and INS/AHRS. Saving you the time, cost, cabling and integration challenges associated with using different sensors from different vendors.

At a glance

  • Unique to Sonardyne
  • Performance levels to suit your operations
  • Tightly integrates raw acoustic, Doppler and inertial data
  • Titanium housed for deep ROV missions
  • Outputs altitude, depth, orientation and velocity
  • Configure and control using a Web UI

SPRINT-Nav. Your all-in-one guidance and navigation system.

SPRINT-Nav is an all-in-one hybrid acoustic – inertial navigation instrument for autonomous underwater and surface vehicles. It combines our SPRINT INS, Syrinx DVL and high accuracy intelligent pressure sensor in a single compact titanium housing.

Available in four different performance levels; 300, 500, 700 and X, and two different depth ratings; 4,000 and 6,000 m, it offers two DVL frequencies; 600 kHz and a high-altitude 400 kHz option.

For the full picture of what your SPRINT-Nav is capable of, please visit its dedicated product page.

SPRINT-Nav Mini packs a powerful punch for your underwater robotic applications.

Measuring just 213 mm in height (only fractionally taller than some competing DVL-only instruments), 148 mm in diameter and weighing in at approximately 3.6 kg in air for the 300 m rated unit – or 7.1 kg for the 4,000 m depth version –SPRINT-Nav Mini is the world’s smallest hybrid acoustic – inertial navigation technology.

SPRINT-Nav Mini is powered by the same navigation algorithm you’ll find inside SPRINT-Nav. It combines the strengths of all its sensors to provide robust, precise and accurate outputs. Two depth ratings are available; a 300 m and a 4,000 m. There is also a side-connector option depth rated for 300 m and measuring only 183 mm in height makes it ideal for tight spaces on small platforms.

For the full picture of what your SPRINT-Nav Mini is capable of, please visit its dedicated product page.

SPRINT-Nav DP ensures ultimate positional accuracy.

Developed in response to the increasing demand for shallow water dynamic positioning (DP) operations, SPRINT-Nav DP provides you with accurate and reliable surface vessel station keeping references without the need for a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal.
Ideal for coastal or nearshore operations where GNSS signals may be blocked or distorted, SPRINT-Nav DP is perfect for work around offshore wind farms and coastal surveys etc ensuring your vessel remains stationary safely and accurately.

For the full picture of what your SPRINT-Nav DP is capable of, please visit its dedicated product page.


Low power and small, it’s the ideal size for installing on all size ROVs as well as USVs undertaking data harvesting missions in shallow water and around offshore structures which often block GNSS signals.


Because it’s cheaper than the four separate sensors it replaces (AHRS, DVL, INS and pressure sensor), it’s a cost-effective solution for your research platforms where budgets need to stretch as far as possible.

Specialist applications

SPRINT-Nav X is the highest-grade model in our SPRINT-Nav family designed for very specialist applications such as long endurance missions using XLUUVs.


Supports dual ROV and Survey use and standalone ROV guidance. Also provides mid-water station keeping with vendor independent USBL aiding.

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Add capability to your Wave Glider

Wave Glider Transceiver (WGT) is an acoustic transceiver designed to integrate within a Liquid Robotics Wave Glider ASV. It enables wireless data harvesting operations to be conducted with a wide range of our instruments including AMT, Fetch and PIES.


The WGT functionality enables Wave Glider to acoustically collect data from large arrays of seabed instruments in a highly cost-effective manner without the need to deploy a traditional surface ship to perform this operation. Instead, Wave Glider is controlled remotely from a shore station via Iridium satellite communications.

The WGT is capable to be used with directional transducer options for operating in both Medium Frequency (MF) (20-34 kHz) and Lower Medium Frequency (LMF) (12-20 kHz) bands to suit different seabed instruments and is fully Sonardyne Wideband® 2 compatible.

The WGT is tightly integrated into the Wave Glider vehicle communications and power systems thereby providing many of the standard acoustic commands and features associated with Sonardyne 6G® products.

Data is passed by Wave Glider to the Iridium satellite system for onwards transmission to the user in near real time.

At a glance

  • Custom engineered for a Wave Glider standard aft payload space
  • Provides subsea-surface-shore gateway link for Sonardyne long endurance sensors
  • Enables direct remote data collection on demand, monitoring and control from shore based Wave Glider operations centre
  • Integrated acoustic modem with data rates from 100 to 9,000 bps

Specifications table

Feature Type 8297-010-05 (WGT Module) Type 8297-010-04 (GPS-A Module)
Operating frequency MF (20–34 kHz) MF (20-34 kHz)
Transducer beam shape Directional Directional
Transmit source level (dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) 190–202 dB (4 levels) 190–202 dB (4 levels)
Tone equivalent energy (TEE) 196–208 dB 196–208 dB
Receive sensitivity (dB re 1 µPa) 90–120 dB (7 levels) 90–120 dB (7 levels)
Acoustic modem data rates 100-9,000 bps (6 levels) 100-9,000 bps (6 levels)
Dimensions (length x width x height) 412 x 389 x 205 mm 412 x 389 x 205 mm (standard Liquid Robotics 3 MPU)
Weight in air/water 10.4/-15 kg 10.4/-15 kg
Operating temperature -10 to 45°C -10 to 45°C
Storage temperature -20 to 55°C -20 to 55°C
Internal backup battery for acoustic modem Rechargeable Li-ion (2.2 Ah) Rechargeable Li-ion (2.2 Ah)
Satellite communications Iridium RUDICS (2,400 bps) Iridium RUDICS (2,400 bps)
GNSS receiver Survey grade L1 & L2 receiver:
Novatel OEM7720 series (GNSS derived heading)
AHRS device XSENS MTi-300 and/or EPSON G320 SPAN INS
Ranging clock GPS derived 4 MHz pulse conditioned to 8 MHz
Communication and logging: Communications Wi-Fi, RS232 transceiver, RJ45 Ethernet, dedicated power and comms for GNSS and HRP, single RS232 expansion port with 5 V power pass through
Communication and logging: Internal logging 128 GB dual redundant internal memory;
RINEX GNSS logging;
SPAN INS logging
System components WGT Module Wave Glider Payload;
4 m Remote Transducer;
Wave Glider Transducer Compatible Skeg
GPS-A Module Wave Glider Payload;
4 m Remote Transducer;
Wave Glider Transducer Compatible Skeg

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Track anything, to any range

HPT 5000/7000s are acoustic and telemetry transceivers designed for use with Ranger 2 USBL and Marksman LUSBL systems. HPT 5000 enables targets to offer wide range of water depths to be tracked. HPT 7000 is optimised for noisy DP drilling and construction vessels and in deep water. Suitable for a wide range of applications from pipeline positioning and riser monitoring to subsea structure installation as well as tracking and communications.


When it comes to USBL and LUSBL transceivers, one model does not fit all situations and vessels. For Ranger 2 and Marksman installations, our High Performance Transceiver (HPT) is available two primary configurations.

HPT 5000
HPT 5000 offers full hemispherical acoustic coverage so it’s a popular choice for tracking multiple targets  (ROVs, AUVs, towfish, seafloor sensors) over a wide range of depths and elevations. The unit is also suitable for dynamic positioning reference on survey, research and offshore support vessels.

HPT 7000
HPT 7000 is engineered for ultra-deepwater operations, tracking targets far below (rather than to the side) of a vessel, and also high vessel noise operating environments, as those typically encountered on DP drilling and construction where aeration from thrusters is liable to cause signal interference.

Both models of transceiver fully support 6G LBL operations using Fusion 2 LBL software. They are also highly capable acoustic communications modems, able to interrogate, command and recover data payloads from deployed Sonardyne instruments including AMTs and Fetch. Supporting telemetry rates of up to 9,000 bps minimises the time a vessel has to wait on location to recover data, as well as supporting LBL operations.

HPT 5000/7000s are also available in Gyro USBL configurations offering calibration-free installation and use.

At a glance

  • Use with Ranger 2 USBL and Marksman LUSBL systems
  • Can also be used to communicate and harvest data from Sonardyne sensors
  • Hemispherical (HPT 5000) or directional (HPT 7000) arrays to suit your vessel and application
  • Can be deployed other-the-side, through-tube or through-hull
  • Suitable for new-build vessels or USBL/LUBL upgrade for your existing vessel

All HPTs are built on our 6G technology platform with multi-element processing to enable transponders to be positioned more precisely, more quickly and more robustly due to improvements in signal processing algorithms and array design.

Functionality such as ‘Discovery Mode’ enables vessels equipped with Ranger 2 and Marksman to enter an offshore area and automatically detect previously deployed transponders (including their configured address and channel), making simultaneous operations using shared seabed arrays possible.

Manufactured in aluminium-bronze, HPTs are intended to be fitted temporarily or permanently to a vessel’s through-hull or over-the-side pole. HPT 5000s (including Gyro USBL 5000s) have also been fitted to large USVs for uncrewed missions controlled from over-the-horizon.

For specialist applications, inverted USBL, LMF frequency and extreme depth range HPT transceivers are also available. Please get in contact to discuss your requirements.

Specifications table

Note: The absolute accuracy of the system is dependent upon the quality of external attitude and heading sensors, beacon source
level, vessel noise, water depth, mechanical rigidity of the transceiver deployment machine, SV knowledge and proper calibration of
the total system using CASIUS.

Feature Type 8142-001 Type 8142-002 
(deepwater optimised unit)
Operational frequency MF (20–34 kHz) MF (20–34 kHz)
Operating range Up to 7,000 m Up to 7,000 m
Acoustic coverage Up to ± 90° Up to ± 90º Optimised for deep water
(depending on frequency of operation)
Range precision Better than 15 mm Better than 15 mm
Positioning repeatability All transceivers tested to better than 0.1% of slant range 1 Drms All transceivers tested to better than 0.07% of slant range 1 Drms
Transmit source level (dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) 200 dB 200 dB
Tone Equivalent Energy (TEE) 206 dB (13 JA) 206 dB (13 JA)
Electrical 48 V dc (±10%),
Typical 15 W, Max
120 W
48 V dc (±10%),
Typical 15 W, Max 120 W
Communication RS485, baud rate switchable,
ethernet 100 Mbps
RS485, baud rate switchable,
ethernet 100 Mbps
Operating temperature -5 to 40°C -5 to 40°C
Storage temperature -20 to 45°C -20 to 45°C
Mechanical construction Aluminium bronze Aluminium bronze
Dimensions (length x diameter) 322 x 225 mm 391 x 310 mm
Weight in air/water 26.7/15.3 kg 46.9/29.0 kg
Options Tilted array adaptor Tilted array adaptor

Did you know?

Both HPT 5000 and 7000 are available in Gyro USBL configurations