Support Centre

Your challenges. Our solutions

Our custom engineering team creates unique solutions for a wide variety of client problems and applications in the world’s oceans and seas. No project is too big or too small.

Founded in


Exports to



Achieved in


carbon neutrality

When standard approaches fall short, our custom engineering team transforms your challenges into opportunities, delivering innovative solutions that exceed expectations.

In the challenging world of subsea engineering, one size never fits all. Our custom engineering service thrives on solving your complex underwater challenges by crafting precisely tailored solutions that go far beyond standard off-the-shelf products. With over 50 years of proven expertise, we transform your unique technical problems into innovative, reliable systems that meet the most demanding maritime and oceanographic requirements.

Our team of expert engineers and project managers are your problem-solving pioneers, ready to push the technological boundaries. Equipped with an extensive portfolio of cutting-edge hardware and software technologies—including those from our Covelya Group sister companies—we generate turn-key engineered systems from concept through to deployment. Whether you need a simple modified transponder for an underwater vehicle or a sophisticated seabed monitoring system tracking tectonic plate movements, our specialists have the skills and creativity to deliver you exceptional results.

Your strategic engineering partner

We pride ourselves on comprehensive, global support that extends far beyond equipment provision. From the shallowest coastal waters to the most extreme deep-ocean environments, our engineers collaborate closely with you to develop safe, low-risk, and cost-effective solutions. Our capabilities span through-water wireless communications, advanced sensor interfacing, remote monitoring, and complex system integration – always with an unwavering commitment to generating actionable insights that drive meaningful scientific and industrial progress.

Backed by ISO 9001:2015 quality certification and a significant global service network, we don’t just supply equipment – we become your strategic engineering partner. Our track record speaks volumes, from monitoring tectonic plate motion in the Pacific Ring of Fire to developing tsunami detection systems protecting coastal communities.

For energy

From monitoring pipeline movement, through measuring parameters in oil wells, to detecting when a wind turbine mooring cable has broken, we provide custom engineered solutions that span the offshore energy.

For defence

We create custom solutions that help protect ports and harbours from underwater threats, that can scan the seabed for mines and enable autonomous surface and subsea robots to carry out your mission.

For ocean science

Bespoke configurations of our trusted solutions can help you understand critical oceanographic processes, from measuring seabed displacement at subduction zones, to detecting life-threatening tsunamis and delivering science data on demand.

We are part of Covelya Group

Covelya Group aim for a safer, more sustainable world through engineering excellence and innovation. Sonardyne are part of the Covelya Group, along with our sister companies. We are part of a group of technology companies, working in Science. Energy, Environment and Defence that develop, manufacture, sell and support instruments, systems and solutions worldwide.