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Gyro iUSBL

Inverted USBL transceiver with gyro

Engineered for

Towfish AUV
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Turning conventional USBLs on their head

Gyro iUSBL turns a conventional USBL set-up on its head. It combines a USBL transceiver and AHRS in a single subsea housing, and is designed to be mounted on a towed body so it can be tracked at laybacks in excess of 10,000 m. Suitable for sensor tracking, research vessels and site survey and characterisation


Gyro iUSBL combines our generation high performance HPT Inverted USBL transceiver and a Lodestar Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS) in the same titanium pressure rated mechanical assembly capable of operating at depths of 7000 m.

With the AHRS/INS in fixed mechanical alignment to the iUSBL’s pressure balanced acoustic array, the Gyro iUSBL can be quickly deployed without need for a calibration to determine the alignment of the ship’s motion sensors to the acoustic transceiver. For many applications, this can enable significant time savings and operational costs.

At a glance

  • Designed to work with Ranger 2 USBL
  • Tracks your deep tow vehicle beyond 10,000 m
  • Integrated USBL transceiver and SPRINT INS
  • Depth rated to 7,000 m
  • Offers 10x improvement in positioning precision

Specifications table

Features Type 8084-000-7535
Operational Frequency MF (20–34 kHz)
Operating Range Up to 7,000 m
Pressure Rating Up to 7,000 m
Acoustic Coverage Up to ± 90°
Range Accuracy Positioning Repeatability Better than 15 mm
All transceivers tested to Better Than 0.1% of Slant Range 1 drms
Transmit Source Level (dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) 200 dB
Tone Equivalent Energy (TEE) 206 dB
Heading Range 0–360°
Accuracy 0.05 to 0.1° secant latitude
Settle Time <5 minutes
Follow Up Speed 500° / second
Resolution 0.01°
Pitch & Roll Range ±180º (No physical limit)
Accuracy 0.01°
Resolution 0.01°
Heave Range ±99 m
Accuracy (Real Time) 5 cm or 5% (whichever the greater)
Resolution 0.01 m
Electrical +48 V dc maximum 160 W
Communication RS485, baud rate switchable, ethernet 100 Mbps
Operating Temperature -5 to 40°C
Storage Temperature -20 to 55°C
Dimensions (Length x Diameter) 475.5 mm x 240 mm (without end connector)
Weight in Air/Water 45/24 kg

Manuals and quick start guides

Software and firmware

Did you know?

Gyro iUSBL is depth rated up to 7,000 m