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How do I access data stored on Origin 600?

Data stored on Origin 600 can be easily accessed in two ways: acoustically, or via an Ethernet cable directly to your laptop.

Accessing data via a cable

To access data stored on an Origin 600 via an Ethernet cable, follow the steps below. If you would prefer to see these steps in a follow-along video format, please visit this video on Sonardyne’s YouTube channel.

  1. Connect the breakout cable that is supplied with every Origin 600 ADCP to the wet connector on the device.
  2. Use an ethernet cable to connect the breakout cable to your laptop.
  3. Remove the battery disconnect from the ADCP to power it up. If the internal battery has been fully depleted, you will need to recharge it first. Use the supplied Power Over Ethernet (POE) injector or hook it up to a DC power supply using the banana sockets on the breakout box.
  4. Once the ADCP is awake, navigate to on your web browser, and press return. This will connect you to Origin Portal, the ADCP’s built in, embedded web user interface.
  5. On the left, you will see 5 purple squares. The 5th one down of these will take you to the data page where you will find an FTP URL – this is the location of the ATP file system. Copy the URL and paste it into the file explorer on your laptop, then press return. You will then see the folders of data stored on the ADCP.
  6. Drag the folders of data that you want on to your laptop’s desktop, and the transfer will happen automatically. You don’t need to transfer all the data; you can copy files from an individual mission, an individual schedule, an individual file format, or even just a single file as required.

Accessing data acoustically

Due to the limited bandwidth of acoustics, it is not possible to acoustically download log files of native formats of Origin data (PD0, A-gram, and B-gram), or files of external sensor data. However, it is possible to acoustically download individual records of PD0 data via Origin Topside or Edge processed data.

To download data acoustically:

  1. Connect the topside modem to the PC running Origin Topside
  2. Connect Origin Topside to the remote ADCP
  3. Navigate to the data page and browse the ADCP for the data file(s) you want to download

You can also view the latest PD0 ensemble via a dialogue box that shows beam-frame PD0 velocities, intensities, and cross-correlation scores (x-axis) against depth (y-axis).

For detailed instructions on how to download your data acoustically, request the Origin Topside User Manual here

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