Ensure the waypoint options are enabled in Ranger 2.
Select Tools > Options > Menu.
Select Tools > Waypoints and confirm the Import and Remove All check boxes are selected.
Generate a file (for example, in Excel) using the waypoint information.
The column format is:
- Name
- Easting
- Northings
- Depth (all can be “0”)
A sample format is shown in the table below:
WP 1 | WAYPOINT | 650779 | 5688851 | 0 |
WP 2 | WAYPOINT | 650811.5 | 5688818 | 0 |
WP 3 | WAYPOINT | 650779 | 5688786 | 0 |
WP 4 | WAYPOINT | 650746.5 | 5688818 | 0 |
Save the Excel file in .csv format.
Rename the .csv file to .nav (example: waypointtest.csv > waypointtest.nav).
Select Tools > Waypoint > Import… to import the waypoint.
Navigate to the folder the waypoint .nav file is saved in and then select Open.
The waypoint should now be imported to Ranger 2 and displayed. If the system is set to a different reference display format (reference frame) from WSG84, the Ranger 2 system will automatically convert it (example Lat/Long below).
Contact [email protected] for more information.