Support Centre

HPT 2000/3000 Testing

The tests are to confirm the HPT operation

1  Exit all other software programs including Mini Ranger 2.

2  Confirm the PC to ESH and ESH to Transceiver connections.

3  Open the 6G Terminal Lite Make sure that the ESH is properly connected as shown below before proceeding.

4  Click on Connect and choose NETWORK DISCOVER-UDP and then click The device connected to the Ethernet port will be discovered as shown below. Click Connect to the device (HPT 2000 or HPT 3000).

5  Make sure that the transceiver is connected successfully. Under the Test section, please click on Check Sensors and Check Hardware. Click on Generate Test Report -> a pdf format 6G Test Report will be generated. Please save this file.

6  Go to the “Manual Commands” tab.

7  Then, click on Test, and  select Bench Test (HPT Only).

8  New window will appear – HPT Bench and Tank Test.  Click on Get Serial Number From HPT. Please check if the transceiver serial number is correct.

9  Click on Test Coms with HPT.

10  Now, click on Perform Test. HPT bench test will start. You can hear the Transmission (ping sounds) coming from the HPT. Click Yes.

11  The software will now measure the average noise in DB’s. You may see RED (failed) average noise measurements due to noise spikes. Please continue testing by pressing “No”.

12  Bench test will continue and will proceed with the Admittance Test. New window will appear – Admittance Measurement Tool. A pop-up message will appear once the admittance test is completed. Click Yes.

13  Save the results and put .csv as file extension.

14  Capture the Admittance Measurement Tool and save it. You can see some RED, AMBER or GREEN readings. These are still subject for UK engineer’s review. Close this window once you save the snapshot.

15  Window will return to HPT Bench and Tank Test. Click on Yes.

16  Capture the HPT Bench and Tank Test window and save it. Results are still subject for UK engineer’s review. Close the window. Click on Disconnect from the main page 6G Terminal Lite software. You can now exit the software.

17  Commslog will be automatically saved in C:\temp.

Please send the following to Sonardyne for review:

  1. 6G Test Report
  2. Commslog
  3. csv
  4. Snapshot of the Admittance Measurement Tool results

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