Support Centre

Where does Origin 600 get time and date from?

Origin 600 takes its time and date information from the PC it was most recently connected to.

Both Origin Portal and Origin Topside have a button on the settings page to synchronise the ADCP’s internal clock to your PC’s clock.

To set or update the time and date information on your ADCP first make sure your laptop is connected to the internet and synced to UTC, then connect to the ADCP via Origin Portal or Origin Topside and under the ‘Time’ section of the settings page, click ‘Sync to PC’. Origin Topside will notify the ADCP of the current UTC and the ADCP will modify its clock accordingly. If your PC is set to local time, the ADCP will still convert the time to UTC so that your data is always timestamped in UTC.

We recommend that you update the ADCP’s internal clock at the start of each deployment, and then every 6 months or so for long deployments to avoid clock drift over time.

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