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Case Study:

Defence PR


Alice Lee

Sonardyne Demonstrates Integrated Yacht Security Capability At Monaco Yacht Show


Sonardyne International has successfully demonstrated the capabilities of its integrated, wide area yacht security technology during the Monaco Yacht Show.

As part of the four day event, which took place at the end of September, Sonardyne undertook daily live demonstrations of its underwater intruder detection sonar, Sentinel 500, and integrated yacht surveillance system, NIDAR, to owners, their captains and security experts.

Sentinel 500 is the new, entry-level model of the Company’s best selling security sonar designed to reliably detect, track and classify underwater threats to yachts, harbours and waterside property. It provides early warning of unauthorised divers and underwater vehicles approaching a yacht or entering a restricted area, giving security personnel valuable time to assess the threat and react accordingly.

Making its debut at the show was Sonardyne’s ultra-compact deployment system that allows Sentinel 500 to be deployed and recovered in less than 30 seconds. It is designed to fit any size yacht, new-build or existing, and unlike hull-mounted systems, requires only a single through-hull access point to provide 360-degree protection.

NIDAR was developed by Sonardyne’s Monaco-based partner company Marine and Remote Sensing Solutions (MARSS). It integrates Sentinel sonar data with other onboard sensors including; IR camera, radar, satellite imaging and AIS to create a complete situational awareness picture around a yacht, above and below the water. NIDAR identifies possible intruders, generates alerts and can activate deterrents.

During the show, visitors to the Sonardyne stand were given the opportunity to get first-hand experience of NIDAR by controlling a high definition camera positioned overlooking the harbour using the system’s iPad application. The intuitive multi-touch interface ensured that users quickly gained confidence in commanding the system.

[blockquote author=” Ross Gooding, Sonardyne’s Business Development Manager for Maritime Security”] “The demonstrations during the Monaco Yacht Show illustrated the end-to-end capabilities of Sonardyne’s integrated Sentinel and NIDAR technology which affords yacht owners complete peace of mind.”[/blockquote]